
Monday, December 31, 2007

Geocaching Is Fun

I got a GPS for Christmas (Thanks, Cathy & Jack!), and yesterday, we all went geocaching in Gilbert. I found a great website for downloading cache locations to my GPS receiver, and we were off. We told the kiddos we were going treasure hunting, which is essentially what we were doing. It was neat to learn there were so many little treasure chests hidden out there, waiting to be found. Anyway, I think I'm hooked. I just hope H. and the kiddos want to keep geocaching, because it was a fun family day.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Acute Angioedema Sucks.

Well the allergic reaction came to a head this morning. I took another generic Allegra pill last night and put more hydrocortisone cream on the affected areas of my face and neck last night. I woke up this morning, and it was worse than the previous three days. Heather said my face looked like a red version of the The Hulk. I went to Urgent Care, and the doctor thought it might have something to do with the generic brand Allegra, and the fillers that they use in the generic tablets. She said it's not uncommon for people to have allergic reactions to medications they haven't had any problems with before once they switch to the generic brand. Wonderful. The stuff I was taking to get rid of the problem was actually the cause of the problem. Anyway, they gave me a benadryl shot, a shot of prednisone (a steroid), and some zantac for some unknown reason. Needless to say, I'm a little loopy right now. But the swelling has gone down quite a bit, and the itching, after a crescendo of itchiness after getting home from urgent care, has subsided as well. Lesson learned. The brand names are more expensive for a reason, and after the past couple of days, I'd say the extra cost is worth it. The picture was taken right before I walked out the door to go to urgent care. Nice, huh?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The boy can shoot.

Eamon fancies himself a budding photographer some days. Today was one of those days. He took a bunch of photographs with his momma's camera while he was waiting for her to put Aine down for a nap and go to the library. Here are a few highlights.

Contact Dermatitis Sucks.

Take one fair-skinned guy who has recently (over the past two years or so) acquired hyper-sensitive skin. Add an unknown irritant on his hands (likely picked up from the YMCA fitness room). Throw in an itchy eye, and what do you get? Why, Contact Dermatits, of course! It looks great, and feels even better, let me tell you. Somehow, I managed to get the unknown irritant on both eyes, the edge of my top lip, my neck and behind my right ear. This happened last year, as well. I have no idea what the heck I'm getting on my skin, but whatever it is, it sure gives my face a lot of character, don't you think? (Click photo for full size)