
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thought of the Day

Why is it certain people find sanctuary in "States' Rights" when it comes to assisted suicide, legalization of pot, homosexual marriage, and the like (all of which are perfectly fine and should be left to the states anyway, or better yet, none of the government's business-federal, state, county or otherwise) in asserting their ideas about the way in which they want to live, and yet, when it comes to issues such as abortion, gun laws, affirmative action and, now, health care (again, none of which should be within the governments' purview), any mention of "States' Rights," or the 10th Amendment is automatically and vociferously met with cries of a return to Jim Crow laws and segregation?

Can't we agree that far less government intrusion in every aspect of our lives is a good thing? Can't we just be left to live our lives as we see fit, without governments and religions telling us they know better than we do the rules by which we should be living ?